Visualize & Manifest

(now available through zoom)

  • Do you have the desire to make positive changes in your life?
  • Have you been thinking about making some new healthy habits?
  • Is there something specific you want to manifest?

Visualization is a very power-filled natural ability to shift your own view of your self, your life, and your ability to know how much power you DO have in co-creating the life that YOU Desire!  It’s time to get out of your own way!

by ZOOM or Phone Call

 I will personally guide you through a multi-sensory meditative visualization to connect you to where you are already living the dream, new habit/pattern, you aspire to achieve!

Here’s how it works:

Your subconscious mind is the Director of your life; it is that part of you that is always active, drawing to it all that is “known” to be your own personal truth. For instance, the reality you have today is made up of all you have ever known to be, have, do, and believe to be true… in the past. You are always surrounded by things of the past, even within your home with objects that “trigger” you to remain in your past. The subconscious part of the mind stores all the “knowns” and repeats what is known… over and over again… through that invisible thing one may call your “vibe” , aura or field of energy. The information of who you have always been.. is all around you like an invisible force field… drawing all the same and similar resonant people, places, and things to happen over and over again with little change over time.

Until your subconscious mind is updated to NOW work with your conscious desires it will seem as if you are fighting yourself to achieve any desired change. with visualization you can bring about the shifts in your life you have always wanted in way less amount of time.

On average when you want to make a change, the thought arrives and you may have every good intention to make that new change in your life, or move towards furthering a goal… but your subconscious mind will soon kick into “re-enactment mode” going back to what is a subconsciously known truth…in essence.. at that point you are in your own way, perhaps feeling powerless to overcome yourself; when simply you can update your inner truth to be in alignment with what you desire to achieve with who you are today by way of visualization.

The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what isn’t. It knows what it knows through experience, feeling, metaphor… It does not understand or listen to literal information to make changes…. and so You are always dreaming the “old dream”… same old feelings on repeat.

The fact is, You Are Power-Full and can exercise your power in your own life through the use of visualization. Visualization is a potent exercise anyone can do to make profound lasting shifts and positive changes in their lives. Through visualization you will experience the change or goal as ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED… you will feel, hear, see, smell, taste, and KNOW the experience you desire to achieve is already part of your energy field, already experienced… already a “known”. As this occurs and builds.. you will naturally draw those targeted goals , experiences, people, places and things to you. Putting out that vibe as “already experienced” You will be working with the self (subconscious mind) and not against it. the subconscious and conscious parts of self will now work in alignment.

YOU CAN DO THIS… you are worth the investment of your own time and focus!

Some of the Benefits of Having Your Own Live Guided Visualization Coach are:

  • You gain the BEST start… equipping yourself with a live professional who will guide you through an awesome multi-sensory visualization session to fuel your own motivation to complete and achieve the reality you desire to experience.
  • Visualization changes and grows throughout the process where you will receive personal and specific enhancements throughout.
  • You will have a sense of accountability which will help to keep you focused as YOU INVEST YOUR MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL energies on achieving YOUR desired goal. (not someone else’s)
  • The experience and feeling of success that YOU ARE A POWER-FULL BEING …when you put your mind to something you can achieve any reality!

Some helpful links:

Guided Visualization: a way to relax, reduce stress and more: PsychCentral

How Long Does it take to Form a New Habit: BrainPickings

The Power of Visualization in Manifesting your Success: Power of Visualization

Some positive things you CAN do to support your efforts

  • Set an entire day to reflect your desired goal already achieved, act “as if” (i.e. wake up time, what you eat, what you wear, do, see, visit, etc).
  • Create a collage (remember the subconscious mind responds to images) with all that is part of your goal. Place a picture of yourself in the center of it and place it beside your bed so you can see it every morning and every night upon waking and sleeping.
  • Draw a picture or finger-paint an image that represents the reality you want to manifest. It should not be literal.. But more fluid, whatever it is WILL be a subconscious communication of your already manifested goal. Place that image in a place where you relax or tend to daydream.
  • Write a letter to yourself congratulating yourself with endless loving acceptance and praise for living the full life that led you to where you are now (the realized goal or reality) … closing the letter with “I thank all my past self for all the hard work that led me here today.. I deeply and completely accept everything I had to grow through to get here”! Reread it… for motivation… as often as you are inclined to.

TEXT or CALL 631.358.1774 to schedule your appointment today!

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